Angel (species)

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A statue depicting the typical appearance of an angel in modern western hemisphere Christian mythos.

Angels is a term for a class of spiritual being, often represented in classical ideology as an attendant, or messenger of God. In Christian mythos, angels are oft shuffled into one of nine classifications (ranking highest to lowest): Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions, Virtues, Powers, Princedoms, Archangels, and Angels. However, this distinction does not necessarily hold true for all beings that are identified as angels; the Christian variety is merely the best known among immigrants to Yuriba from the western world. The term is widely used to describe any being that acts as a deific servant and is perceived as having a higher spiritual nature than humans.

Typical appearance

Descriptions vary widely between cultures and religions, the most familiar descriptions being of humanoid, white winged beings that wear white robes or clothing. Different classes of angels are sometimes shown with differing numbers of wings. Other times, they have been described as creatures formed entirely of light. Although modern thought tends to presume great beauty of angels, they have also considered to be incredibly fearsome or terrifying in appearance at some points in history.

Angels on Yuriba

While the appearance granted by Jusenkyou Spring known as Tianshiniichuan is often confused with and referred to as 'angelic', long time residents and native historians unilaterally claim it was created to imitate the appearance of the Lucent Swan and other large-winged birds. No true transformation to the nature of the bather occurs. However, because of the associations the spring is very popular with immigrants who relish the opportunity to ape the appearance of such a respected being, while the tendency of the springs to react in their expression to the thoughts and perceptions of those who use them suggests that at least in some cases it may in fact have some impact on those with strong beliefs.

This fascination with the spring is not seen in Underhillian culture; the native religion has no angelic tradition.

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