Dryad Grove

The Dryad Grove is a large expanse of forest which can be found north of West Cherry Lane. It is home to a large number of dryads, and is tended to by Kwaidan, a kodama from Japan. It is also home to the shrine of Ame no Uzume no Mikoto, a Japanese goddess. The grove is navigated by a raised, wooden platform which winds through the region, allowing visitors to bypass the somewhat marshy undergrowth, and is accessible throughout the year. The heart of the grove is the giant redwood which acts as the focal point of the shrine. This ancient tree is Kwaidan's home, and can be seen from miles away as it towers over the rest of the forest. To the west of the shrine is the home of the resident shrine maidens, while winding up north the path splits, leading to a butterfly garden and eventually to a lagoon.

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