
Cohabitation is defined as an emotionally, physically, and intellectually intimate relationship in which all partners reside together without the benefit of an official marriage - essentially the state of two or more partners in a relationship living together without getting married.


In Yuriba

Cohabitation is common in Yuriba. It is often seen as a way for new couples to get to know each other before agreeing to get married, though given the prevalence of quick marriages and divorces in Yuriba it is by no means necessary. Given that marriage in Yuriba grants no special legal or personal rights it is common for couples to simply move in together without considering a wedding.


One of the advantages of cohabitation is that it allows couples to get to know each other without committing to a wedding. This allows the couple to easily separate should they find that they cannot live together.

The absence of a special legal status for married couples in Yuriba makes cohabitation an equally viable option, and it is favoured by people who seek to avoid the troublesome matters of arranging a wedding or who simply wish to keep their relationship quiet.


There are no real disadvantages to cohabitation in Yuriba. On the other hand, there is no such thing as common-law marriage in Yuriba, meaning that a couple can live together indefinitely and never be considered married unless they go through a formal ceremony. This seldom inconveniences dedicated cohabitating couples.

Some residents may view cohabitation as inferior to a wedding, and it has often been suggested that a cohabitating couple can never be as stable as a married couple. Despite this there is no large-scale social stigma on cohabitating couples. Yuriban culture accepts it without question, and criticism of it tends to be a matter of personal opinion.


It is unknown if a sizable percentage of Yuriban couples cohabitate, as many residents confused the terms "cohabitating" and "roommates" on the 2005 census, leading to residence information being discarded.

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