
Joi Yamamoto-Lied
Quote: "Yeah, yeah, cry me a river."
IC Info
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Age: 13
Date of Birth: June 21st
Place of Origin: Chicago, America
Height: 4'11"
Weight: Light
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Ash Blonde
Bloodtype: AB+
Hobbies: Reading, Composing
Romantic Status: Single
Religion: Athiest
Occupation: Genius
OOC Info
Other Characters: Joy-3

Joi is...unusual, in nearly every regard. A prodigal genius, she's excelled in every intellectual pursuit she's ever attempted, scored off the charts, and proved her creative talents, as well. Her appearance is an unusual one considering her ancestry, let alone the later modifications made by a tragic accident. She's been alone, emotionally even when not physically, for a long time now...and it's come to be all she's used to, despite her perfect memory. Though it isn't necessarily what she wants...


Joi is a young girl in her early teenage years...she's really quite cute, a blend of the best of scandanavian and Japanese features, with blonde hair, trimmed relatively short, and green eyes...downright adorable, really. Well, she might be, that is...if it wasn't for the fruits of the accident. A large twisted scarring covering her right eye and stretching from above it, on her forehead, down to below her nose in level, and off toward her ear...though the eye itself looks, on the surface at least, more or less like her left. Her right arm has been replaced by a myoelectric prosthetic, with a cosmetic silicone sheath on the hand, up to just below the elbow...her legs, both of them from the mid-thighs down, replaced by prosthetics as well. When in view, another large scar mars her torso, on the right side, over her ribs, on the front...and in the same position on the rear, as well. She generally wears relatively casual, loose-fitting clothing, most commonly a maroon zip-up hoodie of some sort...and tends to go barefoot, raw prosthetic feet exposed for anyone to see. All in all...a very odd sight...whether an appealing one or not, depending on the observer's tastes, though the majority wouldn't count it as 'cute' anymore.

Pictoral References of her prosthetics can be found here:


Joi has a tendency to be distant and withdrawn, something she has to struggle with to overcome to any great degree...she doesn't do so out of a dislike of others, generally, but as a result of a severe case of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder resulting from the accident in her youth. She is trying to be more open, particularly in the culture of Yuriba, but it's tough for her...patience will certainly be required.


Joi was born into a happy, and rather normal, family in Chicago, who soon realized her incredible gifts at a very early age. She was sent to a school for the gifted, and life went on easily enough until a random car accident left her orphaned and, both physically and psychologically, gravely injured. She was then shuttled into first the care of the state, where the only person that seemed to care about her future was a young male nurse that she formed an unusual bond with, then into, supposedly becoming part of, the care of her Aunt's family (her mother's identical twin sister) in Boston, which she soon learned didn't particularly want her at all, and made her know it.

Several unpleasent years passed, during which, after her grades at the same private school her cousins attended and her general demeanour began to degrade within the first year of her arrival; she began taking classes, at the suggestion of one of her teachers, and backed up by his old professors after he discussed her case with them, at MIT part time. She excelled academically there, and it began to buoy her in the rest of her life as well, making it more easy to bear. Still, years of emotional abuse, neglect, and other problems can't be ignored, and she eventually broke down under it when she was eleven, everything coming to a head in a crisis of pain and betrayal one sweltering evening in the late summer; she was gone by the morning. They didn't even bother to tell anyone.

She ran back to the only other place she knew, Chicago, living on the streets for some time, until she found a room with a Korean family, paying rent paid for by panhandling and doing various 'odd jobs', though they were more moneymaking pursuits than anything resembling real jobs. The nurse had moved away while she was gone, having been hurt by her loss after the bond they'd formed, leaving her alone...and after a year and some time more, with nothing holding her there, she followed a rumor she'd heard about a small island in the Pacific, not far from the land of the ancestors that would be ashamed of her existence...the last region in the world she'd imagined visiting willingly. But Yuriba sounded...different...and she was never one to give up in the face of difficulties...

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