
Kaslin Tabris Magite
IC Info
Race: Human
Blessing: Shadow Girl
Gender: Aquatransexual
Sexuality: Bi
Date of Birth: Sept 17
Place of Origin: Rinla
Height: 5'2" Female 5'9" Male
Weight: 120 Female, 180 Male
Eye Color: Dark
Hair Color: Dark
Bloodtype: O-
Sign: Virgo
Hobbies: Martial Arts, Cooking, Magical Theory, Yuriban Culture
Favorite Things: Fried Eel, Stir-fry, Tea
Religion: Animist
Residence: Official Yuriban Citizen - Magite Manor
Occupation: Unemployed
OOC Info
Source: Original Character


Pre Yuriba

Little is known about Kaslin's history before Yuriba, but what is commonly known is that he comes from a less modern fantasy world and spent many of his younger years growing up amongst monks.


Kaslin was one of the early residents of Yuriba, arriving in April 2002. Life was hectic on the boy from the get go, as natural males were not entirely welcome by a minority of the populace. He was a quiet boy who just wanted to make friends. Some were opposed to him even existing on the island just on principles alone, but this seemed to die down as the years went on, but it never did fully disappear. Even to this day, there are some that simply want him removed from the island or to have him locked into a blessed form. It wasn't until his second year on the island did Kaslin turn into a female via the Nyaniichuan, and he did so willingly though he has not made the decision to take on the form with any kind of permanence.

There isn't much to note on his life on the island aside from the trouble the boy has found himself in, in which there are three major instances. One being while exploring the island, Kaslin stumbled into the temple of Chikyuu. Thinking it was simply an old relic of the extinct Yuriban civilization, he offhandedly took a piece of Jasper. After being rightfully accused of temple-robbing, Kaslin agreed to learn more about the Yuriban culture he wanted to be a part of. Kaslin even began to learn how to read so as to be able to learn more about the island he loved and called his home. While his reading skills are well below the level it should be, he has made good improvements over the years.


Kaslin Magite became an Aspect of the Pillar of Science to become closer to his adoptive mother Genesis Magite. It was a long time before Genesis decided to pass the Pillar entirely onto Kaslin, but he did become the Pillar eventually. This marked his last step away from being human and male. Taking on the responsibilities of the pillar meant being exclusively female. Kaslin's foray into god-like power lasted only two years. He gave up mantle and returned it back to his mother shortly after the death of his former lover Yumi, not being able to handle the intense responsibility. Genesis Magite has not been seen since shortly after the transfer of power.

Returning the Pillar to Genesis changed Kaslin to his original unaltered form that he held before becoming the Pillar, and even before becoming simply an aspect of it, leaving his appearance much younger than he really is. It is unknown how he survived the transferring of the pillar to his Mother, and he rarely speaks of it.


For a long time Kaslin had taken trips into the heart of Inishie for the sake of exploration. Inishie seemed to tolerate him, possibly out of sheer curiosity to his maleness, but whispers tell of perhaps other unknowable reasons. The boy had gotten into a lot of trouble simply for setting foot on the Volcano Goddess when his explorations were discovered. Shortly after the incident, Kaslin was granted full citizenship by priestess briesleach. Shortly after this, he got badly injured in a fight with Agrona. Only through the efforts of Beth and Serra does he still have his life and his leg.

More recently, it's been rumored that Kaslin has discovered and briefly housed his biological family on the island and now makes regular trips to and from Yuriba. Apparently, he has a little brother that is now a little sister.


Kaslin can often be seen happily abusing his ability fly. Kaslin also has a deep love of cooking, and has been described as "Not half bad."

The boy has been known in the past to be quite adept in the arts of combat, his particular combat styles more enjoying the use of a sword, spear or relying on hand-to-hand combat. Without any magical assistance, his natural abilities are at the upper tier of natural human limits and are no way in themselves supernatural.


Kaslin is a natural-born Sorcerer; however, the most common use of his magic is the empowerment of his own body. Beyond feeding magic directly into flesh, his spell weaving skills seem to be more combat focused than general use. All in all, his arcane abilities are less than subtle and do not get much use in his much more peaceful life on the island.



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