Ley lines

Ley line is a term that refers to patterns of magical force that can be tapped by those who use magic. These could be considered loosely analogous to streams or rivers, channeling magic like those structures do water. Ley lines come in a variety of sizes, from very small to very large, with larger ones containing more power.

Yuriba sits at the intersection of several of the major Asian ley-lines, which explains why magic is such a particularly powerful a force on the Island. Although it is not known if anyone has mapped out the lines, it seems that one of them comes through the Japanese islands, A second one comes across through China, possibly crossing the so-called Cursed Springs located in it's Bayankala region there and providing a link between those and the Blessed Springs of Yuriba.

In addition to allowing for nearly free power, and generally good weather, the high concentration of magical energy from the ley line nexus seems to warp the standard dimensions of reality in a manner that makes transportation and teleportation magic significantly easier.

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