
Nyanniichuan is a Jusenkyou Spring that grants the person who uses it the form of a human girl. It is the easiest spring to locate, and in the early days when the island had more male immigrants, many residents considered it a form of game to lure them to the spring and then splash them. Most foreigners who had stumbled unexpectedly on Yuriba in the past fell victim to this spring, and as such, it can be considered the origin of the belief in those cultures that the place is cursed.


It's thought that Nyanniichuan may well be the oldest of all the Yuriban springs, given that its pool (more of a small pond, really) is so much larger from the effects of erosion.

As well, unlike the rest of the known springs, Nyanniichuan is the only one to occur in multiple locales; at least one other was known to be located in the deep western forest, though it hasn't been seen since the Lilian Era.

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