
Patricia Saint has lived in Yuriba for a long time now, stretching back to the spring of 2004. She first arrived after emancipating herself from her mother to live with (not under the guardianship of) a distant relative, Fuyuko. Since that first tumultuous year, she has grown into a confident young woman, and often refers to her first year as "back when I had no personality."

As with many other long-term Yuriban residents, her time on the island has been one of continual emotional exploration. The island's laid back atmosphere allowed her much freedom and yet she often found herself frustrated with it. Friends would often disappear without a word, a constant threat in a resort/drifter town such as Yuriba. The friendships that did survive usually ended in estrangement as friendships sometimes do, though often exacerbated by Patricia's emotional naiveté. However, from these trials emerged a small handful of deep friendships. Patricia now spends most of her time hanging out with these few close friends: Mika Tetsuyama, Naomi Saito, and Katherine Dermody.

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