
Astronomy is the study of the sky, stars, and heavenly bodies extending past that of the earth. It also involves the study of the Earth in relation to these other heavenly bodies and its position in the universe. The lack of modernized electricity and lights in Yuriba means that the area has very low light pollution, allowing the stars to be seen far more clearly than they are in the majority of the settled world. Despite this, due to the unusual nature of the Underhillian cultures and the long period between settlements on the island proper the Yuriban tradition of astronomy is primarily religious in origin.

The more ‘modern’ visitors reach the region, a greater understanding of the stars is brought out from more than the casual observer. As such, Yuriba’s uniqueness in the appearance of the night sky has become more realized; while the position of the North Star and the ‘dippers’ are the same as ‘earth’, allowing for rough pinpointing of the island’s location in the Pacific ocean in the Northern Hemisphere, the other stars do not appear where they’re viewed elsewhere on earth with constellations visible only in the Southern Hemisphere visible, and many constellations frequently out of season. A good example would be the constellation known as ‘Orion’ elsewhere is not visible in late winter like it would be in the Northern Hemisphere, rather visible from Mid-August to Late-November, prime hunting season for winter stores, resulting in the native view of the constellation being that of a huntress, rather than the male warrior it’s viewed as elsewhere. Perhaps most notably, the only planet ever visible in the Yuriban sky is Venus, if any of the other planets have ever been visible is still unknown, or lost within Underhill records.

Consistent with the local animistic belief, followers of the native religion believe that the stars have a soul and stories of their own. Several Yuriban deities have ties to astronomical bodies, including Kikoutei, the sun goddess; Engetsu, often referred to as the "Second Moon"; Tsuki who represents the known moon; and Tenteisei, who appears to be the deity of all stars but who is most strongly associated with the North Star along with the appearance of the Milky Way, the Milky Way viewed as her outstretched arms and cloak. Formal, intensive study of the heavens in Yuriba seems to be linked to Tenteisei, whose followers used stars for navigation and to predict fortunes and omens. It is through this goddess and recent translations of books relating to her worship that a greater understanding of what the natives view the constellations as has arisen.

Constellations and their Yuriban counterparts

Camelopardis -- Engetsu’s Echo Due to the faintness of stars in this region of the sky, even with the lack of light pollution on the island, there’s no actual constellation here in Yuriban view unlike in earth astronomy. Rather, this region is considered empty due to it being where Engetsu leapt from the heavens to the ground.

Ursa Major and Ursa Minor -- Mother Wolf and Wolf Pup Ursa Major and Ursa Minor are viewed as wolves in Yuriban traditions rather than a bear due to the long ‘tail’ corresponding to a wolf rather than a bear.

Cygnus -- Alpha Hen The Alpha, dominant Yuriban Game Hen that all others aspire to be.

Pegasus -- Qilin Legend states that this constellation ‘flipped’ upside down when the original spring for the blessing which relates to this legendary animal was lost.

Corona Borealis -- Zansho’s Cat The original cat which inspired Zansho given a place in the stars, all that’s visible is it’s tail as it wanders along to another location.

Orion -- The Huntress and Black Fox Tail Visible primarily during the late summer and fall during hunting season, this constellation celebrates the great huntresses of Yuriba. The Belt of Orion corresponds to a second, overlapping constellation with the Huntress; Black Fox Tail, relating to the legend of the first all black kitsune.

Canis Major -- Little Sister In another reversal of canid and bear, Canis Major is not considered a dog, but rather the legendary bear Little Sister. Previously, this constellation was considered simply a Harvest Bear, it’s identity changed after the legend of Little Sister grew.

Cetus -- Broken Lovers Cetus is viewed as two constellations in Yuriban mythos, representing a myth regarding two lovers being torn apart by circumstances beyond their control.

Equuleus -- The Deer Representing a Chic Deer of legend said to sacrifice itself to feed a starving Lilian family.

Grus -- The Bat Legend links this constellation to the mourning bats favored by Zokutou, this bat being a messenger for the Elder Goddess to communicate with Tenteisei. This is one of the main Southern Hemisphere constellations visible, adding to the uniqueness of the Yuriban sky.

Crux -- Grandmother Gildedside This constellation relates to the legend regarding the origin of the gildedside fishes, representing the first of these fish.

Tucana -- The Great Widow The most dedicated of Great Widow Albatross, forever gliding in the sky seeking her lost mate.

The Zodiac - Tenteisei’s Servants

Most unique within the night sky and different from Earth, the constellations which make up the earth zodiac do not follow the ecliptic. Rather, they appear independent of each other and with no apparent ‘schedule’. Where the other Yuriban constellations are visible at set times of the year, these constellations, known as Tenteisei’s Servants, appear at seemingly random times for varying lengths of visibility, and are viewed as omens much like comets were in early earth history. However, unlike the common earth view of comets, the Servant’s omens and presence are not always associated with negative events. Theory suggests that there is a pattern to their appearances, but since many records of their appearance in the night sky have been lost, no schedule of their showing exists.

See also: Tenteisei’s Servants

Comets - Tsuki's Tears

Different from falling stars, Tsuki's Tears are what the native culture calls rarely appearing comets. Unlike earthly comets such as Haley's Comet, the comets which appear in Yuriban sky may not be the same one on a specific course and schedule, records not extensive enough to determine this, these 'tears' more rare within the sky than Tenteisei’s Servants.

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