Tsuki's Tears

Different from falling stars, Tsuki's Tears are what the native culture calls rarely appearing comets. Unlike earthly comets such as Haley's Comet, the comets which appear in Yuriban sky may not be the same one on a specific course and schedule, records not extensive enough to determine this, these 'tears' more rare within the sky than Tenteisei’s Servants.


Different appearance of the comets have different meanings, Tenteisei's priestesses assigning the major determining factor to the color of the comet.

Red has been assigned the most grave of omens, signifying destruction and death, often associated with periods of great strength for Inishie.

Blue is a time of sorrow, the cause of the emotion determined depending upon other factors such as if one of the Servants is visible at the same time, or where the comet first appears within the sky. This is the most common color appearance, recorded four times within searchable records where all other colors and meanings have been seen only once or twice.

White is a signifier of death of an important figure, though the importance of the one meant to die is rarely understood until after her death.

Green comets signal destruction on a natural level, seen as a sickness of The Lady or an attack upon Her; legend has that it was after the single sighting of a Green comet that the first of the Guardians was assigned to prevent the need for another one of these tears.

Yellow has been interpreted as a sickness of the people of the island, the yellow comet on record having shifted to white within two days of it showing.

No other colors have been recorded within findable and searchable record, though it's known that Tenteisei's Priestesses have meanings to relate to other colors, they keeping this information secret until the time it's needed.

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