
In common usage, a dimension (Latin, "measured out") is a parameter or measurement required to define the characteristics of an object — e.g. length, width, and height, or alternately size and shape. In mathematics, dimensions are the parameters required to describe the position and relevant characteristics of any object within a conceptual space —where the dimensions of a space are the total number of different parameters used for all possible objects considered in the model. Generalizations of the concept are possible, and different fields of study will define their spaces by their own relevant dimensions, and use these spaces as frameworks upon which all other study (in that area) is based. In specialized contexts, units of measurement may sometimes be "dimensions" — meters or feet in geographical space models, or cost and price in models of a local economy.  

OOC Notes
Sparta baps you with the Hammer of Grammar.

The term "dimension" is often incorrectly used to describe a parallel universe, alternate universe, or other plane of existence (e.g., Underhill). While it is sometimes correct to think of these other spaces as being located a short distance away along a dimension (in the proper sense) other than the common familiar ones, this is not always true (especially considering that Yuriba's network of ley lines causes local dimensions to warp in such a fashion that parallel universes are often no longer parallel, but intersecting).

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