
IC Info
Race: Sylph
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
Age: approximately 200
Date of Birth: Unknown
Place of Origin: Underhill
Height: 165 cm (5'5")
Weight: 54 kg (120 lb)
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Blond
Hobbies: Flying, bird-watching, singing
Romantic Status: Single
Romantic Identification: Polyamorous
OOC Info
Source: Original

Awelle is a native, who only recently has ventured into the village of Yuriba proper. While she has peeked about now and then, only now has she taken a real interest in immigrant society.



Little is known about Awelle, as she tends not to talk about herself, finding others far more interesting to talk about. She may safely be assumed to have been born Underhill, though she seems vague on her actual birthday, and when pressed, will only admit to be somewhere between one and two centuries in age. Probably closer to two. One thing that tends to be fairly obvious about her is her energy, generally being very enthusiastic about whatever it is which takes her interst at the moment. However, her interest shifts quite often, and sometimes unexpectedly.

As she has had little interaction with immigrant culture, having remained in Underhill for nearly her entire life, she finds almost all things immigrant quite fascinating. Despite this, she displays no interest in venturing off the island, find such things as the modern technologies immigrants talk about best kept as merely talked about, and not experienced. Not that she would call that a fear.


Like many sylphs, Awelle has a fairly willowy build, giving the impression of very small and delicate bones, though shaking her hand will demonstrate that she is not at all frail or weak. There isn't a lot of excess fat on her, though she takes a certain vain pride in the curves she does have. She has a light tan from spending as much time outdoors in the sunshine as possible, speaking to her aversion to being indoors, and her wavy hair tends to have only a brown hair clip to adorn it, which she seems quite fascinated with. For jewelry, she has only three studs on one ear, and her only tattoo is a dark red rose just above her navel.


If there is a single thing which interests Awelle more than anything else, it's probably not a thing, but a person, and that person is whoever she meets next. People watching is one of her favorite hobbies, and so she'll tend to hang about places where other people may be seen. This does tend to mean she spends a great deal of time flying about the village, as that affords the best view, but she will deign to set her feet on solid ground now and again. On very rare occasions she may even be heard to sing to herself, though almost never for an audience.


She tends to speak Yuriban, though she is slowly picking up Japanese and English, those being the primary immigrant tongues. While she is quite capable of reading, she tends to profess a disinterest in it. As sylphs in Yuriban village society are rather rare, she will tend to become very exasperated at suggestions that she knows where the slyph spring is, though whether she actually knows where it is is something of an open question.

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