
Callista Somerset
IC Info
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Age: 16
Date of Birth: October 15, 1996
Place of Origin: Providence, Rhode Island, USA
Height: 5'
Weight: 115 lbs
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Red
Sign: Libra
Hobbies: Horseback riding, hiking, reading, writing, violin
Likes: The outdoors, poetry, music, the ocean
Dislikes: Onions
Romantic Status: Single
Residence: Staying as a guest at Chateau Elu
Occupation: Student
OOC Info
Source: Original


Cali is a girl in her mid-teens, with auburn hair typically kept a ponytail, which reaches the middle of her back when untied. She also has blue eyes and a very fair complexion, and dresses in a typical manner for her age, though occasionally sporting expensive-looking jewelry or a finely-made dress that seems uncommon for a teenage girl to have.


Born in Santa Barbara, California, Callista Somerset's family moved to New England when she was twelve. Her shy demeanor, pale complexion, and susceptibility to sunburns amused her new classmates, as they thought someone who grew up on the west coast would be the typical image of a glamorous, outgoing, suntanned blonde. Thus, they gave her the nickname Cali, both as a shortened version of her given name and a not-so-subtle way of teasing her.

In school, Cali has done exceptionally well. Born to an affluent family, she was often given private tutors in areas such as literature, music, and philosophy. She has a profound love for reading, especially classics and poetry, and has developed exceptional musical talent, playing a century-old violin hand-crafted by her great-grandfather. Outside of academic pursuits, she learned to appreciate the outdoors, and enjoys hiking and horseback riding, the latter of which she has been doing since age four. She also learned quite a bit about cooking and other domestic matters from her family's butler, leading to embarrassing comments from her parents that she'll make an adorable wife someday.

Just after her sixteenth birthday, Cali received an offer from her school to be part of a foreign exchange program. She'd never heard of a place called Yuriba before, but was assured that it was a beautiful village with plenty of history and culture, and an excellent school. After receiving permission from her parents (which involved agreeing to write them almost daily, lest they assume some terrible fate has befallen her), Cali packed up her things and set out on her own.


Prior to her arrival in Yuriba, Cali hadn't given much thought to romantic relationships between girls. She had dated a few boys from her school before, but never anything serious. The prospect of being involved with another girl is still a very new concept to her, making her understandably sheepish about it.

Haley - The first of the town's citizens that Cali encountered, the two met while Cali was exploring the town almost immediately upon her arrival. Haley welcomed Cali to Yuriba and showed her around a bit, and also offered her the use of a spare room in her home, until Cali can find her own place. Though Cali now lives on her own, as she didn't want to overstay her welcome, she spends a great deal of time with the older woman when she's not off exploring the town, and looks to her as a maternal figure.

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