Church of Hentai

The Church of Hentai was a religious organization on Yuriba, focusing on the apparent belief that life should be about pleasure, and indulging in it as much as possible. The church was run by Dark_Ayanami, with the next most well known priestess being Asoko. Its popularity fluctuated over time, and in modern Yuriba its membership is either nonexistant or keeping an extremely low profile; Dark_Ayanami herself appears to have vanished from Yuriba. The Church is considered a historical artifact, and to many natives and entrenched immigrants, a relic of a less wholesome time.

The Church of Hentai was the center of no small amount of controversy on the island. Many feel that it existed primarily as an excuse for casual sexual hookups, and that its emphasis on physical pleasure above all else degraded the importance of other aspects of life, from the spiritual to the intellectual. This distaste was exascerbated by the fact that a number of early members of the Church could be quite persistant in their recruiting, leading some to feel that the Church engaged in sexual harassment. However, despite these complaints, members of the Church believed that their faith promoted a happier, more stable mental outlook because it didn't cause shame and fear to develop around sexual matters. In addition, despite their reputation and a known tendency to embrace a wide variety of abnormal sexual activity, the Church of Hentai did emphasize that all sexual activity should be consensual, responsible, and enjoyable to both parties, a part of their doctrine that far fewer took issue with.

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