
This is the name given to a rumored part of Underhill, a Fox Paradise if you will, where only foxes can go and everything there is fox. Those that have even heard about this dubious rumor(which are very few no doubt), are extremely skeptical about it existing.


Not much is known about this fabled Foxiba. It's said to be a pocket of Underhill that came about from the collective wishes of foxkind as a paradise and retreat from the non-foxes on both Yuriba and Underhill alike. Others say it's really the precursor the a long term plan of foxkind to take over the island and make all into foxes. This "Foxiba", so named as a play on the name of the island, Yuriba, is said to be a very lovely place. The only way to get to Foxiba is to be shown the way by another fox. Though some claim to have managed it on their own, it's hard to verify the rumors since foxes are notorious for being illusive and crafty. Also, you have to be a fox to get in; whether that's a Kitsune, Fox-Human, or even just a normal fox animal doesn't matter as long as you're a fox you can enter. No one is quite sure what happens to those that aren't foxes that try to enter. Tales are told of people being transported to random locations on the island, others just say they can't enter but wont clarify. Most likely because clarification may give hints as to where the portal is located or what kind it is; whether it's in a solid object or just in the open, or whatever the case may be. Even among foxkind getting to enter Foxiba is said to be rare, one must show worthiness. This supports the belief that normally one is shown the way by another fox, or else if they're able to discover it on their own that in itself is proof they're worthy.

The land of Foxiba is much like a mix of Underhill and Yuriba itself. Lots of forests and such wild places that foxes enjoy. There are a very small collection of simple houses, supposedly even smaller than the Yuriba Village. Just for those few foxes which feel better with more human-like dwellings. The part that really sets Foxiba apart from anywhere else in Underhill and Yuriba alike is that even the vegetation and landscape are foxes. The trees all grow with fox-like ears and tails, down to the bushes, flowers, and grass. The mountain range on the island is said to be quite similar to the head of a fox, the peaks making large ears. One of the rare vocal sources of information on Foxiba even claims someone charted the entire land and based on her maps and sketches can prove that Foxiba is shape liked a fox laying down all curled up. Not many believe this, but it does give quite amusing fodder for the mind. Foxiba is also populated by all kinds of fox animal species outside of the ones known to live on the island like the Yuriban fox and spotted kit fox. It's unclear how even the rarest or in some cases, extinct, fox species managed to make it here but it does support the belief that Foxiba acts as a kind of Paradise of Foxes.

Not much is said about what actually goes on in Foxiba. Many believe the various foxkind just do normal fox things like hunt, sleep, or play pranks and be mischievous to each other as foxes are wont to do. Others think it holds great secrets of lost lore, not just relating to foxes but to Yuriba and Underhill as a whole. Some believe powerful and rare artifacts are kept there, guarded or sequestered away by the foxes or most likely specifically the kitsune, to keep out of the hands of others that might abuse or run amok with such items. The most speculated rumor though pertaining to the treasures of Foxiba has to be a solitary Jusenkyou Spring unlike any others. A legendary spring on a level unknown before, because this is the Kitsune spring. This spring is said to grant only one who is fox the ability to become a real kitsune. While the normal Fox-girl spring only grants a person the appearance of a fox, this Kitsune spring transforms a fox into a kitsune. This usually comes with the gaining of a second tail, as multiple tails are a mark of kitsune. It also sometimes grants magical powers in some form or other, or grants the person the potential to learn and gain magical abilities. This is a true shapeshifting spring, as the fox's nature becomes kitsune. Unlike other Jusenkyou springs where the person has a blessed form and their normal form there is only one form for a fox that partakes of this spring. This is likely due to kitsune already having shapeshifting abilities of their own, so becoming a kitsune does not keep one from returning to their original form if they wish. It's unknown whether this spring is guarded and kept hidden by puzzles like most of the other springs on the island, or if it's in the open. Given the powerful nature of it one would assume even among the foxkind such a gift does not come likely, or else there likely would be many more kitsune on the island and Underhill, but who knows. Since only those foxes that're lead to Foxiba or that manage to work out the location of the hidden portal for themselves gain entry, that in itself might be seen are puzzle enough.

Accuracy of Claims

In all honesty it's hard to find fault one way or another with the claims of such a place as Foxiba. Given the number of fox-humans and kitsune on the island you would think the legends and stories of Foxiba would be more prolific but maybe it's just the case of them keeping very good secrets which would make sense. Whatever the case may be given the nature of the magic that makes up Underhill it isn't entirely out there that there could be a kind of "fox only" paradise. Whether such tales as fox-eared and -tailed trees and vegetation are true, who knows, but many mysteries surround Underhill so who knows what is out there. It does make for some fun and interesting speculation and stores though if nothing else.

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