Roberta's Farm

Roberta's Farm is a large farm that grows many native and non-native vegetables for distribution via the market and village restaurants. It takes up several acres of land to the utmost western outskirts of the village. It is owned by the enigmatic Roberta, a strange woman of non-native indeterminate origin. Outsiders are rarely allowed in. It is made up of three buildings and several plots of land and a tall stone fence with a barred gate. Roberta's farm also tends to be the source of some strange gossip now and again.


Roberta's Farm has three primary buildings. The farmhouse, the barn, and the greenhouse.

The Farmhouse is visible over the fence as it is a two story wooden house. If one is able to peek over the high fence they can see it has broad windows and a sturdy balcony that looks towards the gate. Several people live here, including the enigmatic Roberta. No one has been inside her house. It is on the north west side of the compound.

The Barn is the largest visible structure and from any angle can be seen towering over the wall. The doors are always shut tightly. Careful watchers (i.e. spies) will note that the door is never open and the farmhands very rarely get near it. It is on the southeast side of the compound.

The Greenhouse can only be spotted if one is up high enough, as it is visually blocked by the farmhouse and barn. At night it glows with strange colors of varying shades. There appears to be rather large flowers inside.


A mixture of a barred gate, high fence, and watchful farmhands keep Roberta's farm from being explored by non-farm hands. Visitors are allowed in only one official business. Trespassers are unceremoniously removed and sent back to the village. The reason for this, as stated by Roberta, is that they have to produce a food for a lot of people and any food damaged or loss is a face not fed. The farmhands give the same response. When people inquire about the barn however, these workers only give nervous shrugs and end the conversation.

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