
Salia is a rather unusual young woman who has lived on Yuriba almost since the modern village's founding.



The resident Demon god of the island, Salia arrived a fair time ago under the guise of a normal girl. Despite the fearsome name 'Demon God' she is a fairly harmless and non threatening individual, described by some as being 'as menacing as a soft serve ice cream cone'.

She created a large area of ice and snow, and when asked why it exists, responded: 'because the winter has to go somewhere when it's summer.' Whether this is the truth, or simply a smart arse response, no one has been told. It is unknown how old she is, although a fair estimate could range anywhere from twenty to twenty thousand. She's not telling though, and any answer given should be considered suspect.


She was at one point a power on the island, but due to several situations she withdrew from public. Currently, she's 'merely' a recluse.

There is also a connection between her and the forest of night and snow known by the name 'the starlight forest'.


As a Demon God, she is able to recreate and use any technique used against or on her, albeit with less efficiency. More information on this subject is currently lacking.


Salias appearance has been known to vary, from an average looking if short girl who's only distinctive features are her power key staff and markings on her forehead, to an even shorter girl who has large birdlike wings. Despite this, she has been known to be startlingly unnoticeable in a crowd, and most people are unable to remember details of her features. This may be due to simply being an unremarkable person in her looks.

Although these are assumed to be her 'natural' forms, she has also been seen as some form of imp, although she denies this typically claiming instead to be a 'computer gremlin'. Another form, rarely seen as of late, is what has been described as an 'teeth hurtingly cute young catgirl' by one bystander. These might be simply variants of the local curses, but more information is currently lacking in the matter.

Regardless of form, she is almost always seen with a metal ring being used as either a bracelet or anklet. This may be simply a fashion statement, or part of something stranger.

See also

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