Use name

Among Yuriban natives, a use name is the name a person is referred to in everyday life. This name may have been given by one's parents or be self-chosen. Individuals born among the native population always consider their given name to be their use name. It may be changed multiple times throughout the course of a person's life; a majority of natives choose a new name in mid or late adolescence as a sign of entering adult life. This use name is intended to help conceal and protect the individual's true name, a private and secret name divined by priestesses of Harumeku that is believed to be an identifier of the individual's true self and to be maintained across multiple life times.

Use names of natives are almost always foreign adjectives or nouns, with English, Gaelic, and Japanese being the most common languages drawn from. However, it is not unheard of for a use name to be just a pleasing collection of syllables, a mythological reference, or of other origins. With increasing immigration to the island and the accompanying cultural influx, the adaptation of use names from other cultures is gradually becoming more prominent.

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