
Xarthedia is more commonly known as Jay or m00mi. When not RP'ing or otherwise hanging around Yuriba, she spends her time writing fanfiction, dealing with the random idiocy that is working in Tech Support and making dents in her desk, usually by banging her head or knee into it.


Vital Stats

Roleplaying Habits

Being a firm believer in the phrase "write what you know", Jay tends to play characters that all resemble her in some way, although she currently only has one character that is a carbon copy of her own personality. She enjoys creating realistic personalites who have both their ups and their downs. In her own words: "Anybody who's constantly cheerful is either a complete fake or strung higher than a kite on something, and my girls don't do drugs."

One thing Jay tends to when RP'ing is to make her characters speak with accents. Currently, three of her characters do this; Meyumi speaks with an Irish accent, Nadia with a French accent and Pilar with a Spanish accent. Mette, however, does not have a Danish accent, because her player simply doesn't have the heart to torture the English language so horribly.

Why Yuriba?

Jay first poked her head beyond the Yuriban border in February of 2005, mainly because she was curious. Actively roleplaying was completely new to her at the time, and she decided that if she was going to try her hand at it, she might as well start there. While her first character is no more, she enjoys the OOC conversations and the social RP, and figures that she's probably in it for the long haul by now.

Her main selling point in regards to RP in general was the opportunity to create characters with a detailed background, and she finds great amusement in adding these characters to the wiki. While she realizes that it's fully possible for another user to completely clear the page, she doesn't really mind so much and, in fact, encourages people to add a comment.


Current: (in order of appearence)

Former: (in no special order)

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