Amber-throated warbler

An Amber-throated Warbler.

A small songbird, most closely related with the North American Wood Warbler, the Amber-throated warbler is usually only about 10 cm tall and has an 18 cm wingspan. Their feathers are usually a dark or sandy colored brown. This variety shares a few similarities with the Robin, most notable being a reddish-orange patch of feathers on its neck and chest. Like many other species of Warbler, they are arboreal (tree dwellers).

They tend to nest in the early spring, usually right after the spring thaw. Their eggs are laid and hatch in about a few days, taking about a month before the young are fully matured and capable of flying on their own. Both parents take care of their chicks, and frequently dive-bomb anyone unfortunate enough to disturb their nest.

Warblers have quick movements and abrupt, high-pitched songs. They eat seeds, Sun Berries, small nuts, small insects, and whatever crumbs of food they can scavenge from the island's inhabitants. They have been known to nest on buildings, but only in the forested areas.

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