
Higashiryu is a native martial art most commonly studied by students of Kikoutei. The art is focused on mastering the balance of pride and humility. While mostly focused on combat, Higashiryu also includes disciplines such as flower arrangement, yoga and meditation.

In terms of combat, the martial art focuses on channeling energy from the sun into strikes, holds, and energy based attacks. It is taught to be used in moderation as channeling high amounts of sunlight is extremely taxing on one's body and mind. Benefits of studying Higashiryu include better physical and spiritual health as well as a centering of oneself.

Higashiryu is divided into two schools: Way of the Snake which is focused more on grapples and close quarters combat and Way of the Crane which focuses on flowing movement and channeling energy into projectiles and weapons. It is said that in the temple of Kikoutei these schools are rivals and once a year during the Summer Solstice a tournament is held to determine bragging rights for the following year.

While not very popular outside of Underhill there are a few who are able to teach the basics of Higashiryu such as Five.


Like several martial arts, there are different levels of ranking among students of Higashiryu marked by diffrent colored belts and uniform. Advancing in rank is achieved by completing a test that focuses on one of the core practices of the martial art. These can be any thing from sparing with someone of a higher rank to essay writing.

All students can reach any rank with exception of the two highest ranks: Master and Grand Master. There are only two masters at any given time, one for the way of the snake and one for the way of the crane. These are awarded to preistesses of the temple that have proven themselves exceptional. The title of Grand Master is given to the High Preistess of Kikoutei.

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