Sakura Retreat

The Sakura Retreat is an area in the eastern portion of Yuriba Forest. Located just north of Yuriba Park at the intersection of Cedar and East Cherry, it is a quiet and reserved spot for both single people seeking to escape the busyness of the village, or couples looking for some alone time. It was originally built by SaraAvatar. The clearing forks off in five different directions--including the exit--leading to several areas making up all of the Retreat itself.

To the north is yet another clearing with a gigantic Sakura tree directly in the middle of it. The tree itself is massive for its kind, standing nearly 35 meters in height. However, the biggest attraction to this spot is the stillness of the air, and the tranquility of the local area. It is also commonplace to take shelter beneath the tree's branches during inclement weather. In the springtime, the Great Sakura Tree turns vividly pink, before shedding its blossoms in a floral snowstorm.

Nearby, along the northwestern route, there exists a darkened path through the forest. The trees here are so thick that almost no light is allowed through the canopy, making it difficult to find one's way. However, the lack of illumination also makes the area a brilliant little spot to hide.

Sloping upward to the east, there is a dusty path that takes one up into the trees. The curve upward is gentle, and shouldn't hinder climbing too badly. The trees around the path grow denser the higher one goes. Heading north after reaching a more open area, it doesn't take long before the sound of wind and whispers of a great expanse of trees far below can be heard. Many couples enjoy the breathtaking sunsets here, as well as stargazing. Because the Retreat is so far from the village, there is almost no light pollution.

The final notable part of the refuge, located to the south, contains a small shop that sells a variety of omamori--trinkets that are designed to watch over their bearer. It seems though that the business is shut down, but the remnants of the business can still be viewed.

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