
The Yuriban siren is a long extinct race of demihuman that existed in Yuriba at some point between 7000 BCE to 6000 BCE. What little is known about sirens comes down mostly from hearsay.

Physical Characteristics

Natural sirens presumably were characterized by a mixture of piscine and mammalian features. If the Jiaonyannichuan spring is the standard for what they looked like, then sirens are defined for having both a long fish tail (as perhaps a stereotypical mermaid) extending from their lower back down, as well as human legs, fins on the upper arms and calves, pointed ears, and "natural" lighting that emphasizes their best physical features (and potentially the urge to primp and preen as well). Natural sirens, despite being primarily mammals, are hatched from eggs. Sirens are presumably a predator species based off of the slightly sharper teeth they possess.


Not much is known about siren society. They were a powerful faction based to the south west of Yuriba for a short period prior to vanishing from the island and its surroundings. What little that has been drudged up over the centuries is not much beyond small statues of women with webbed extremities, mirrors, music boxes, and jagged knives made from bone and shark's teeth. There has been some speculation that siren society put a great deal of emphasis on the arts, beautification, and brutality. None of this is confirmed however, as there are no natural-born Yuriban sirens in existence.


The only currently available legend about sirens deals with their extinction and is in pieces. One day the lakes and rivers had sirens in them. Sirens were beloved of the ocean. Then one day Issui and an unknown force met and there were no longer sirens. For many days after there were horrible storms from the sea that were stopped only via divine intervention. The only remaining proof sirens even existed in Yuriba is the Jiaonyannichuan spring under The Baby Seal club. As this is the only currently known legend involving the extinction of sirens, it is highly likely they worshiped a water deity outside of Issui.

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