Western Forest

The Western Forest is a catchall term used for the lands that are west of Tiger Lily Road and Cherry Lane. This part of the island is unsettled, since homes and businesses are concentrated near the eastern shores. The term is somewhat misleading, as the land reference is not entirely forested; however, the parts nearest the settlements invariably are. From the sky or certain vantage points on Akibimi-san it's possible to see that there are some grasslands and waterways included in this area as well.

Generally speaking, this area is not easily accessible, for fairly simple reasons: most Yuribans are neither equipped nor inclined towards long treks in trackless wilderness. Still, the area can be explored by careful individuals and enough forays into various parts have been made to make a few facts clear. Ruins dating back to the Lily Civilization are fairly common throughout the west, many in advanced states of decay and disrepair. As the native Harvest Bear are known to make their lairs in crumbling ruins on a regular basis, there are additional reasons for caution in their vicinity. Probably the most well known of the western 'ruins' is the ancient city of Ravensport, although no explorer has actually been able to reach it, either by land or sea. Some few claim to have seen it in the distance, but such claims are usually treated with extreme doubt.

Outside of the ruins, the terrain is often more uneven than in the east, featuring a notable amount of rolling hills, ridges, and unusual dips in the ground. It seems that the land mass is broader towards the north, although this has not been confirmed. Traveling far enough, one reaches the isolated beaches of the western short of the island. These are fairly extensive, although like the east, sand gives way to dunes and rocky cliffs the further north that one travels.

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