Spirit Mare

Spirit Mares are a species which primarily resides in Underhill, occasionally entering into Yuriba proper at times for foaling and feeding, and have coats which change colors to the theme of the seasons.



Spirit mares are horses which reside in Underhill most of the year, and when they come to Yuriba have brightly colored coats dependent on the season. In the winter they are white, in the spring they are bright green and brown, in the summer they are blazing red, and in the fall their coats turn chestnut. They tend to come in herds much like buffalo, with the head mothers of the herd guiding the foals who are smaller and less able to fend for themselves, coming out to Yuriba proper when they sense weaker boundaries in the areas of Underhill to leave and return for rearing and consuming food. The herds themselves rarely number more than a dozen individuals, with a head mare for each and three to four foals that are raised communally by the herd.

Habitat, Behavior, and Diet

Spirit mares reside much of the time in Underhill, but have an instinctive sense of where the barriers will temporarily weaken when they come through to Yuriba to forage and feed, then return back to Underhill. They are herbivores, and generally peaceful, shy creatures. Islanders who've caught sight of the spirit mares have learned to be cautious because they know there must be a portal to Underhill nearby. Due to their shy natures, the spirit mares tend to be defensive around others and will often retreat if confronted or catch any sign of others. Otherwise, they are much like common, if more intelligent, horses. The theory is that this slightly enhanced intelligence is what allows them to survive in the wild, unformed parts of Underhill, as the force of the herd's group mind creates temporary safe pockets for them. Spirit horses separated from the herd are unable to form this protective pocket on their own and are easy prey to native predators. Losing their herd is effectively a death sentence . They enjoy many of the island's native fruits and foliage, in particular they love to graze upon the cherry blossom trees when the trees are in bloom. Some people consider them a nuisance when they find recently bloomed cherry blossom trees missing most of their flowers. Unlike many wild horses, they appear to have adapted to a more leaf-based diet, and some theorize that they may be connected to cervines such as antelope, rather than being true equines. The spirit mares are sometimes prey to the island predators like the artisan wolves, harvest bears, and Yuriban wood hog. Some say too that in Underhill the spirit mares are game for mana-eaters.


It's said that the spirit mares get their name from the odd reaction they get when crossing over from Underhill to the island itself. When they cross over their coats emit a low glow temporarily. People saw these creatures glowing when they crossed over and initially took them for spirits, and the name stuck.


Anna has stated her intent to catch one of them, eat it, and skin it.

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