
The Boardwalk runs primarily east-west across the widest part of Maboroshi, roughly girding Phantasm Harbor as well as connecting Water Lily Road, Sea Lily Road and the Wading Pools. It is constructed out of weathered wood and is generally elevated from the sand below by a distance that varies between two and three feet, depending on location. Rails line the sides and a number of small booths selling food and other necessities are generally open in pleasant weather. Concession stands sell cotton candy, baked goods and fresh and candied fruit interspersed with ramenya, sobaya and sushiya. Other stands sell shell jewelry, rent towels or beach chairs, or sometimes offer small games of chance. Some residents are aware that the area under the boardwalk can be accessed by a determined girl and provides a cool, quiet resting or meeting place.


Originally, the boardwalk was constructed as part of a joint project among a group of recent immigrants to Yuriba in the summer of 2002. Among those known to be in this group were Aure, Tatsu, Yomiko, and Yui. Although there are some women matching these names residing in Yuriba now, all four of the original builders have since left the island. Stewardship and maintenance of the boardwalk appears to have since passed into the hands of the Town Council; the Ocean Lily, constructed by Yui and connected to the Boardwalk has since been relocated and moved into the care of Abryn. The original Locker Rooms, unusually constructed (for Yuriba) to accommodate both male and female visitors, still remain and are visited as much for their hot and cold water taps as by genuine beach goers.


It is rumored that on certain clear mornings if one were to stand at precisely the right place on the boardwalk moments before the dawn a brilliant column of green light could be seen. Unfortunately, none of the rumors identify the precise spot. The origin of the 'green flash', if it does exist, may be a weather phenomenon, although some believe it is a lucky sign of blessing by a local deity, possibly Issui.

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