Town Council

OOC Notes
Yes, the Town Council does indeed consist of the OOC admin of the MUSH. After all, there has to be some IC equivalent, and doing administrative paperwork seems to be it!

The primary governing body of the island, Yuriba's Town Council is a loose group of experienced residents. Those on the council attend to a variety of issues, including but not limited to determining and enforcing laws and zoning ordinances, dealing with upkeep and expansion issues, and the tracking and monitoring of immigration, as well as assisting new residents in settling down on the island. A non-elected body, the Council itself chooses and instates members on an irregular basis, depending on what needs they see at the moment.

The council is the final word of law on the island and handles all disciplinary issues in addition to their more bureaucratic duties.

Members of the council have included, at various points in time:

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